# Maximalist approach to Writing [[2022-07-26]] I think I definitely enjoy the [[Maximalist approach to writing]] that I am pursuing. ## Types of writing - analogue [[Index Cards]] / [[Analog Zettelkasten]] - digital drafts and articles and free form and logs - digital [[Zettelkasten]] - analogue [[Free Form Writing]] - [[Sketchbooks]] and [[Sketchbooking]] - ([[Digital Sketching]]) - haven't done in a while, but basically the stuff I did in [[Concepts]] ## Writing devices - laptop - ipad - [[Freewrite Traveller]] - Fountain pen: - on index cards - in sketchbooks ## Writing applications - [[Bear.app]] - [[Obsidian]] - [[Freewrite Sprinter]] - [[Freewrite Traveller]] - maybe [[Scrivener]] ## Outlets - [[Blog|Blogs]] - scapegoat.dev - [[dev.to]] - [[Obsidian Publish]] - [[Twitter]] I think its my usual MO of just trying everything and being interested by everything.